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The "Stiks" can be easily used for strength training in the comfort of your own home.
It is as simple as this; If you play any Sport in which the Elbows, Arms, Wrists, Hands and Fingers are used; Or you are suffering from the Pain of Arthritis, Golfers/Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or are Rehabilitating after a Break, Sprain or even a Stroke, YOU NEED “The Stiks”.
POWER and CONTROL; Two factors you must Excel at if you want to participate in your sport at the highest level. Hitting or Throwing a Baseball, Shooting a Hockey Puck, Driving a Golf Ball or Hitting a Ball out of the rough, Serving a Tennis Ball with Power and Accuracy, Increased Arm and Hand Strength to better control your opponent in Wrestling, Boxing or Marshal Arts, Shooting a Basketball from areas of the court you never even thought of before, Rolling your Bowling Ball with more Power and Accuracy. These are just a few of the advantages “The Stiks” manufactured by JMB Precision can make happen for you.
“The Stiks”, are being used in clinics and hospitals around the world. Your doctor, or therapist, can prescribe a program precisely for your particular needs. Start with a tension that allows for passive resistance and as you become stronger simply dial the tension up by adjusting the numbered knob or weight; It is as simple and easy as that.
Jim McCrossin (head trainer and strength and conditioning coach of the Philadelphia Flyers), Dr. Thomas Graham (recognized as one of the top elbow, hand, wrist and finger doctors/surgeons in the world) and Dr. John Fanning (named "Top Doc" in the December 2007 issue of Main Line Today in the article "Pennsylvania Top Docs, Focus Family Practice”) all say a conscientiously applied program of exercise using the products manufactured by JMB Precision, the Therapy Plus Sport Stik and the Power-Stiks, will help to prevent the onset of these problems as well as provide an effective means of treatment to help in the therapy/rehabilitation after the onset of this distress.
Jim McCrossin
•Head Athletic Trainer/Strength and Conditioning Coach
Philadelphia Flyers and Phantoms
"I have been
using the Power Sticks with my athletes for both rehabilitation and conditioning and have
found them to be extremely effective for both."
Thomas J. Graham, M.D.
•Chief, Curtis National Hand Center
Baltimore, MD
"The SportStik bridges the gap between the 'rehabilitating athlete' and the 'training athlete'."
John M. Fanning, D.O.
•Certified Medical Specialist, Taylor Hospital
Ridley Park, PA
"People who have been havIng chronic problems with their wrists
and elbows have had tremendous Improvement. They can easily change the
tension and therefore the resistance that is used, letting them stay in charge of
their own therapy."
Everyone wants to be the best, the question is; What can I do to separate me from everyone else? The answer is simple; Devote a few minutes everyday to make stronger, more flexible and elastic the muscles of the forearms and hands. “The Stiks” are the hidden advantage, or put another way, the secret weapon that every high achieving athlete seeks.
The compact streamlined design and ease of operation will have you wondering how you ever got along without “The Stiks”. Increased strength, more flexibility and elasticity is just some of the benefits you gain from a conscientiously applied program of exercise with “The Stiks”.
In only minutes a day, “The Stiks” of JMB Precision will help you. Contact us today and find out more!
"The JMB 'Stiks' increase strength and fitness for athletes involved in many sports, like the ones below."



Water Polo