Effectiveness and Reliability
The SFW — a 1,000-pound class weapon — contains
ten BLU-108 submunitions, each with four smart Skeet warheads,
for a total of 40 warheads. Equipped with dual-mode passive
infrared and active laser sensors on each Skeet warhead, one
SFW can simultaneously detect and engage many fixed and moving
land combat targets within a 30-acre coverage area. This wide-area
capability enables the SFW to halt an invading force and attack
air defense sites while significantly reducing the number
of aircraft sorties. |
Designed for stand-off deployment from a wide selection of aircraft,
SFW's versatility and superior lethality make it the weapon of choice
for anti-armor, destruction of enemy air defense, and many other
combat missions. SFW can be deployed from U.S. or NATO tactical
aircraft in all weather conditions, day or night, and is presently
certified on most USAF fighter and bomber aircraft.
Each smart Skeet warhead can defeat a variety of targets, from heavy
armored battle tanks to soft-skinned vehicles, including parked
aircraft, mobile radars and jammers, air defense vehicles and support
Battlefield Operation
The Sensor Fuzed Weapon (SFW), a smart air-to-surface munition,
is far superior to older, traditional "cluster" weapons
which are known to have dud-rate problems. Textron Systems' SFW
with BLU-108 individual smart Skeet warhead does not detect a valid
target over its lofted trajectory, it will self-destruct. Moreover,
a timed self-deactivation mode renders any unexploded warhead harmless
minutes after delivery. Together, these safety features ensure clean
battlefield operation.
Sensor Technology
The SFW's lethality exceeds U.S. Air Force effectiveness requirements.
Once deployed, the smart Skeet warhead and its two-color infrared
(IR) sensor searches for targets that match a defined set
of IR requirements, while the laser sensor profiles those
targets for improved aim point and lethality. When a valid
target is detected, the Skeet warhead fires an Explosively
Formed Penetrator (EFP) and multi-element fragment ring, to
effectively perforate hardened steel. |
For high altitude release and active guidance, Lockheed Martin's
Wind Corrected Munition Dispense (WCMD) tail kit is available
as an option. Incorporating the WCMD tail kit on CBU-97 redesignates
SFW as a CBU-105. Aircraft must be MIL-STD-1760 compliment
to deploy CBU-105.

Specifically designed to defeat multiple targets in a single
pass, one SWF smart munition can engage moving and stationary
targets within a 30-acre coverage area. |